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ODB Grande-Bretagne - 78th Infantry Division

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ODB Grande-Bretagne - 78th Infantry Division Empty ODB Grande-Bretagne - 78th Infantry Division

Message  Yeoman 35 28/6/2010, 17:16

78th INFANTRY DIVISION "Battleaxe"

ODB Grande-Bretagne - 78th Infantry Division Britis10

Commandants :
- Maj.Gen. Evelegh (Juin 1942-Décembre 1943)
- Maj.Gen. Keightley (Décembre 1943 - Août 1944)
- Maj.Gen. Butterworth (Août 1944 - Octobre 1944)
- MAj.Gen. Arbuthnot (Octobre 1944 - Mai 1945)

- 56th Reconnaissance Regiment (RAC)
- 1st Battalion (Princess Louise's Kensington Regiment)

- 11th Infantry Brigade
- 2nd Batn The Lancashire Fusilliers
- 1st Batn. The East Surrey Regiment
- 5th Batn. The Northamptonshire Regiment

- 36th Infantry Brigade
- 5th Batn. The Buffs (The Royal East Kent Regiment)
- 6th Batn. Toyal West Kent Regiment
- 8th Batn. The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

- 1st Guards Infantry Brigade (Juin 1942 - Mars 1943)
- 3rd Batn. Grenadier Guards
- 2nd Batn. Coldstream Guards
- 2nd Batn. The Hampshire Regiment

- 38th Irish Infantry Brigade (Mars 1943 - Mai 1945)
- 6th Batn. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (Mars 1943 - Août 1944)
- 2nd Batn. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (Mars 1943 - Août 1944)
- 1st Batn. The Royal Irish Fusiliers (Princess Victoria's)
- 2nd Batn. The London Irish Rifles

- Royal Artillery
- 17th Field Regiment
- 132nd Welsh Field Regiment
- 138th City of London Field Regiment
- 64th Anti-Tank Regiment (Queen's Own Royal Glasgow Yeomanry)
- 49th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment (Juin 1942 - Novembre 1944).

- Royal Engineer
- 214th, 237th, 256th Field Companies
- 281st Field Park Company

- Royal Army Medical Corps
- 11th Field Ambulance
- 47th Field Ambulance
- 152nd Field Ambulance
- 217th Field Ambulance

Yeoman 35
Yeoman 35
Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur

Nombre de messages : 1222
Age : 37
Localisation : Haute-Minglouffie
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009

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