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Bristish Wheels & Tracks 2008 (BE)

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Bristish Wheels & Tracks 2008 (BE) Empty Bristish Wheels & Tracks 2008 (BE)

Message  Phil642 9/7/2008, 10:53

Reconstit UK toutes époques pouce

Video de l'édition 2007, histoire de mettre l'eau à la bouche

We would like to invite you to the 2nd edition of British Wheels & Tracks 2008

Our aim is to give the visitor a realistic display on British militaria through 3 themes:

· The Great War

· WWII display build around the Belgian Brigade and other Commonwealth allied forces

· British Post War display

All vehicle owners, collectors and re-enactors are most welcome.

You can also bring other military vehicles which will be displayed on a reserved field.

Practical information:


From Friday 1st till Monday 4th of August 2008

Friday August 1st 2008:

· Arrival of all participants and building of the displays.

· Preparation of the arena-events.

· In the afternoon, the vehicles can be taken for a tour through the beautiful “Meetjesland” region. Our guide will show and explain us some interesting military WWII sites. We normally will be joined by some local WWII veterans. We will also stop in some city or village centres to promote our event.

We start this tour in the centre of Waarschoot between 1330 and 1400 h and will assemble there @ 1300h

Saturday August 2nd 2008:

· The event and displays are open for the public from 10AM to 6PM


· 11u: Our “First Belgian Field Brigade” will start the event with a ceremonial salute to commemorate the liberation of

“het Meetjesland”.

· 13u: The “BOAR” group will present all vehicles and kit in the arena. All armour, tracked and wheeled will drive in the arena.

· 14.30: Our “First Belgian Field Brigade” group shows how a piece of artillery is prepared for battle and fired.

· 15.30: The public will get a view on the life at the front during The Great War.

· 17u: Our “First Belgian Field Brigade” will end the day in the arena by firing a salute.

· In the evening, everybody is invited to the world-famous “BADGER”barbecue!


Children -12 years old: 8 Euros

From 12 years old: 15 Euros

Reservation AND payment before July 25th 2008

· The beer tent will be open the whole evening.

Sunday August 3rd 2008:

· In the morning a delicious and fresh breakfast buffet is presented by the owners of “De Akkerhoeve”


Children -12 years old: 6 Euros

From 12 years old: 10 Euros

Reservation preferred in advance or at last on Friday at arrival.


· 11u: Our “First Belgian Field Brigade” will start the event with a ceremonial salute to commemorate the liberation of

“het Meetjesland”.

· 13u: The “BOAR” group will present all vehicles and kit in the arena. All armour, tracked and wheeled will drive in the arena.

· 14.30: Our “First Belgian Field Brigade” group shows how a piece of artillery is prepared for battle and fired.

· 15.30: The public will get a view on the life at the front during The Great War.

· 17u: Our “First Belgian Field Brigade” will end the day in the arena by firing a salute.

· The event and displays are open for the public from 10AM to 5PM.We insist on asking all participants not to leave the site before 5PM

Monday August 4th 2008:

· Dismantling of the displays

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Date d'inscription : 09/05/2006

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