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78th "Battleaxe" Infantry Division - Italie

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78th "Battleaxe" Infantry Division - Italie Empty 78th "Battleaxe" Infantry Division - Italie

Message  Yeoman 35 19/3/2009, 20:17

78th INFANTRY DIVISION "Battleaxe"

11th Infantry Brigade
- 2nd Bn. Lancashire Fusiliers
- 1st Bn. East Surrey
- 5th Bn. Northamptonshire

36th Infantry Brigade
- 5th Bn. Regiment The Buffs
- 6th Bn. Royal West Kent
- 8th Bn. Argyll and Sutherland

1st Guards Infantry Brigade (jusqu'en mars 1943)
- 3rd Bn. Grenadier Guards
- 2nd Bn. Coldstream Guards
- 2nd Bn. Hampshire

38th Irish Infantry Brigade
- 56th Reconnaissance Regiment
- 1st Bn. Kensington
- 2nd Bn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
- 6th Bn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
- 1st Bn. Royal Irish Fusiliers
- 2nd Bn. Royal Irish Rifles

- 17th Field Artillery Regiment Royal Artillery
- 132nd Field Artillery RA
- 138th Field Artillery RA
- 64th Anti-Tank Regiment RA
- 49th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA

Support units
- Signals 78th Infantry Division
- 214th, 237th & 256th Field Companies Royal Engineers
- 281st Field Park Company RE
Yeoman 35
Yeoman 35
Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur

Nombre de messages : 1222
Age : 37
Localisation : Haute-Minglouffie
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009

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