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8th Indian Infantry Division - Italie

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8th Indian Infantry Division - Italie Empty 8th Indian Infantry Division - Italie

Message  Yeoman 35 19/3/2009, 20:30

(Maj-Gen. B. Dudley-Russell)

Divisional Units
- 6th Duke of Connaught's Own Lancers - Reconnaissance
- 5/5th Mahratta Light Infantry - Machine Guns

17th Indian Infantry Brigade
- 1st Bn. Royal Fusiliers
- 1/12th Frontier Force Regiment
- 1/5th Royal Gurkhas Rifles
- 1st Bn. Jaipur Infantry (Nov. 1944 - Avril 1944)

19th Indian Infantry Brigade
- 1/5th Essex (Jusqu'en mars 1944)
- 1st Bn. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
- 3/8th Punjab
- 6th Royal Battalion /13th Frontier Force Rifles

21st Indian Infantry Brigade
- 5th Bn. Queen's Own Royal West Kent
- 1/5th Mahratta Light Infantry
- 3/15th Punjab
- 1st Infantry State Force (à partir d'avril 1945)

- 3rd Field Regiment RA
- 52nd Field Regiment RA
- 53rd Field Regiment RA
- 4th Mahratta Anti-Tank Regiment
- 26th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment

Support units
- 7th, 66th & 69th Field Companies - King George V's Bengal Sappers
and Miners
- 47th Field Park Company
- 8th Indian Division Signals
Yeoman 35
Yeoman 35
Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur

Nombre de messages : 1222
Age : 37
Localisation : Haute-Minglouffie
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009

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