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ODB - Grande Bretagne - 50th Division

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ODB - Grande Bretagne - 50th Division Empty ODB - Grande Bretagne - 50th Division

Message  Yeoman 35 17/7/2009, 12:33

50th INFANTRY DIVISION "Northumbrian"
Major-General Martel

1940, France

Divisional units
- 4th Bn. The Royal Northumberland Fusilliers (Mortars and Machine Guns)

- 25th Infantry Brigade
- 1/7th The Queen's Royal Regiment
- 1st Bn. The Royal Irish Fusilliers
- 2nd Bn. The Essex Regiment
- Brigade Anti-Tank Company

- 150th Infantry Brigade "Tyneside"
- 4th Bn. East Yorkshire
- 4th Bn. The Green Howards
- 5th Bn. The Green Howards
- Brigade Anti-Tank Company

- 151st Infantry Brigade
- 6th Bn. The Durham Light Infantry
- 8th Bn. The Durham Light Infantry
- 9th Bn. The Durham Light Infantry
- Brigade Anti-Tank Company

- Artillery
- 72nd Field Regiment
- 74th Field Regiment
- 95th Field Regiment
- 65th Anti-Tank Regiment

- Support units
- 232nd & 505th Field Companies
- 235th Field Park Company

1942-1943 Afrique du Nord

Commandant : Major-General Ramsden/Major-General Nichols

Divisional units
- 2nd Bn. Cheshire (MMG)

69th Infantry Brigade
- 5th Bn. East Yorkshire
- 6th Bn. The Green Howards
- 7th Bn. The Green Howards

150th Infantry Brigade "Tyneside" (détruite pendant la bataille de Gazala)
- 4th Bn. East Yorkshire
- 4th Bn. The Green Howards
- 5th Bn. The Green Howards

151st Infantry Brigade
- 6th Bn. Durham Light Infantry
- 8th Bn. Durham Light Infnatry
- 9th Bn. Durham Light Infantry

- 74th Field Regiment
- 90th Field Regiment
- 124th Field Regiment
- 102nd Anti-Tank Regiment Northumberland Hussars

Support units
- 233rd, 501st & 505th Field Companies
- 235th Field Park Company

Attached unit
- 1st Greek Infantry Brigade (Col. Katzokas)

1943 Sicily

Commandant : Major-General Kirkman

Divisional units
- 2nd Bn. Cheshire

69th Infantry Brigade
- 5th Bn. East Yorkshire
- 6th Bn. The Green Howards
- 7th Bn. The Green Howards

151st Infantry Brigade
- 6th Bn. Durham Light Infantry
- 8th Bn. Durham Light Infantry
- 9th Bn. Durham Light Infantry

168th Infantry Brigade "London"
- 1st Bn. London Irish Rifles
- 1st Bn. London Scottish Rifles
- 10th Bn. The Royal Berkshire

- 74th Field Regiment
- 90th Field Regiment
- 124th Field Regiment
- 102nd Anti-Tank Regiment Northumberland Hussars
- 25th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment

Support units
- 233rd, 501st & 505th Field Companies
- 235th Field Park Company

Normandie, 1944

Commandant : Major-General Graham

Divisional units
- 2nd Bn. Cheshire

69th Infantry Brigade
- 5th Bn. East Yorkshire
- 6th Bn. The Green Howards
- 7th Bn. The Green Howards

151st Infantry Brigade
- 6th Bn. Durham Light Infantry
- 8th Bn. Durham Light Infantry
- 9th Bn. Durham Light Infantry

231st Infantry Brigade
- 1st Bn. Hampshire
- 1st Bn. Dorsetshire
- 2nd Bn. Devonshire

- 74th Field Regiment
- 90th Field Regiment
- 124th Field Regiment
- 102nd Anti-Tank Regiment Northumberland Hussars
- 25th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment

Support units
- 233rd, 501st & 505th Field Companies
- 235th Field Park Company

Sources : Wikipedia.org,
J. Bouchery : Le Tommy de la Libération, T 2, Histoire et Collections
F. de Lannoy, El-Alamein, Heimdal

Bien Cordialement, "God saves the King" beret beret

Yeoman 35
Yeoman 35
Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur

Nombre de messages : 1222
Age : 37
Localisation : Haute-Minglouffie
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009

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