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ODB - Grande Bretagne - 5th Infantry Division

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ODB - Grande Bretagne - 5th Infantry Division Empty ODB - Grande Bretagne - 5th Infantry Division

Message  Yeoman 35 3/9/2009, 17:49

5th INFANTRY DIVISION "Yorkshire" (1945)

- 5th Reconnaissance Regiment
- 7th Bn. Cheshire Regiment (Mortars and Machine Guns)

- 13th Infantry Brigade
- 2nd Bn. Cameronians
- 5th Bn. Essex
- 2nd bn. Wiltshire

- 15th Infantry Brigade
- 1st Bn. Green Howards
- 1st Bn. King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
- 1st Bn. York and Lancaster

- 17th Infantry Brigade
- 2nd Bn. Royal Scots Fusiliers
- 2nd Bn. Northamptonshire
- 6th Bn. Seaforth Highlanders

- 91st Field Regiment
- 92nd Field Regiment
- 156th Field Regiment (Lanarkshire Yeomanry)
- 52nd Anti-Tank Regiment
- 18th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment

- 38th, 245th, 252nd Filed Companies (Royal Engineers)
- 254th Field Park Company (Royal Engineers)
- 5th Divisional Unit

Yeoman 35
Yeoman 35
Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur

Nombre de messages : 1222
Age : 37
Localisation : Haute-Minglouffie
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009

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