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25th d'infanterie américaine à Guadalcanal

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25th d'infanterie américaine à Guadalcanal Empty 25th d'infanterie américaine à Guadalcanal

Message  von cooken 3/7/2014, 16:05


Je suis à le recherche de photos d'époques concernant la 25e division d'infanterie Américaine durant le bataille de Guadalcanal, je n'en ai malheureusement peu trouvé sur le net, j'espère pouvoir en trouver ici!

En vous remerciant.
von cooken
von cooken
Général de Brigade
Général de Brigade

Nombre de messages : 840
Age : 29
Localisation : Nimes
Date d'inscription : 01/10/2008

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25th d'infanterie américaine à Guadalcanal Empty Re: 25th d'infanterie américaine à Guadalcanal

Message  route66 30/7/2014, 00:52

25th Infantry Division, U.S. Army Divisions of World War II

Nickname:Tropic Lightning
Source:Army of the US
Days of Combat:260
Activation Date:01 Oct 41
Date Sent Overseas:1 Oct 41 (Hawaii)
Date Entered Combat:7 Dec 41 (Pearl)
Status June 1946:active Japan
Other Wars:Iraq
Commanding General(s):Maj. Gen. Mazwell Murray    (Oct 41 - May 42)
Maj. Gen. J. Lawton Collins    (May 42 - Jan 44)
Maj. Gen. Charles L. Mullins, Jr.    (Jan 44 - May 48)
Campaign(s):Central Pacific    (7 Dec 41 - 6 Dec 43)
Guadalcanal    (7 Aug 42 - 21 Feb 43)
Northern Solomons    (22 Feb 43 - 21 Nov 44)
Luzon    (15 Dec 44 - 4 Jul 45)
Activation date is the date the division was activated or inducted into federal service (national guard units).
Casualties are number of killed, wounded in action, captured, and missing.
Other Wars are the wars in which the division was mobilized.
The dates after the campaign name are the dates of the campaign not of the division.

The 25th Infantry Division

World War II

The 25th Infantry Division was formed on the first of October, 1941 at Schofield Barracks, HI. It is predated by the Hawaiian Division which defended Hawaii from 1921 to 1941. The division was first attacked on 7 December 1941 by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor. In retaliation, the 25th Infantry was ordered to the Solomon islands to fight off the Japanese Army. It was here that the division earned the nickname "Tropic Lightning" due to its large success. After the campaign in the Solomon Islands the Division took part in two more campaigns, one to liberate the Philippine Islands, and another to liberate the Island of Luzon. The Division fought for 165 days straight without rest. This information was taken from the official 25th Infantry History home page

Général de Brigade
Général de Brigade

Nombre de messages : 676
Age : 56
Localisation : Breton dans le desert du Nevada USA
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012

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