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1/3-scale Stormbird Flies Again

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1/3-scale Stormbird Flies Again Empty 1/3-scale Stormbird Flies Again

Message  Phil642 5/10/2014, 13:22

Ali Machinchy recently took his Me 262 jet out of storage to fly at  the RAF Jets event at Abingdon field in the U.K., and we’re glad he did! Ali tells us, “The wing joiner is actually a steel section. The design and build of the model was done by a very experienced  engineer with decades of experience in very large model designs. The fact that this model is over 8 years old and has had many hundred of flights is testimony to the design …  Although I do still look in amazement how such a small looking joiner carries the loads!” Our friends and YouTube posters Dean and Pete Coxon took this great video, which includes footage from two GoPros that were onboard the 1/3-scale jet.

La video:

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