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56th "London" Infantry Division - Italie

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56th "London" Infantry Division - Italie Empty 56th "London" Infantry Division - Italie

Message  Yeoman 35 19/3/2009, 20:05


167th London Infantry Brigade
- 8th Royal Fusiliers (City of London)
- 9th Royal Fusiliers (City of London)
- 7th Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire

168th London Infantry Brigade
- 1st London Scottish Division
- 1st London Irish Rifles
- 10th Royal Berkshire
- 1st Welch Regiment

169th London Infantry Brigade
- 2/5th Queen's Royal Regiment
- 2/6th Queen's Royal Regiment
- 2/7th Queen's Royal Regiment

201st Guards Motor Brigade
- 3rd Coldstream Guards
- 6th Grenadier Guards
Yeoman 35
Yeoman 35
Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur

Nombre de messages : 1222
Age : 37
Localisation : Haute-Minglouffie
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009

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