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Virtual Museum of the Gulag

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Virtual Museum of the Gulag Empty Virtual Museum of the Gulag

Message  Phil642 20/5/2017, 09:31

The database of the Virtual Museum of the Gulag constitutes a collection of material testimonies to the era of the Soviet terror.

These testimonies are scattered through multiple museums and collections and also include "non-museum objects": ruins of camps and structures, monuments and memorial signs.

The Virtual Museum of the Gulag is a project of the Research and Information Centre "Memorial" (St Petersburg). The database and website were created by ZAO "Alt-Soft".

Virtual Museum of the Gulag

Virtual Museum of the Gulag Gvm_gu10
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Général (Administrateur)

Nombre de messages : 7820
Age : 58
Localisation : La vie est Belge
Date d'inscription : 09/05/2006

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